About Us

All the CHAMPs at Chertsey School send you a huge welcome!

Chertsey School is located in the small rural township of Chertsey, approximately 20km north of the Mid Canterbury town of Ashburton. Chertsey School draws its children from the township and surrounding local area, which means the majority of our children come from a rural background. We also have a number of students who live in Ashburton and travel to school on bus routes servicing both sides of the State Highway.

Chertsey School is a Year 0-6 school and our children are schooled in two classrooms; the Junior Room houses the Year 0-3 students. The Senior Room houses the Year 4-6 students. Upon reaching the end of Year 6 the majority of our students travel to Ashburton Intermediate School by bus for their Year 7/8 schooling.

Due to the location and size of our school we have an active and involved parent community who are often seen about the school visiting or helping in classrooms or assisting with working bees and fundraisers. The Chertsey School Board of Trustees has a mixture of skills and experience. The Chertsey School Home and School group is a very active and dedicated team who are regularly involved in school fundraisers.

Staff at Chertsey School do their utmost to ensure that our children are exposed to as many opportunities as possible and we encourage whole school involvement in events such as Cross Country, Ashburton Music Festival, Festival of Cultures, Athletics, Rippa Rugby as well as specified groups for TBall & Miniball.

Chertsey School prides itself on being an inclusive school. We welcome all learners and make sure their transition is smooth and well planned.

Thank you for visiting our website. If you would like to visit our school please phone us 03 302 2727 or you can email office@chertsey.school.nz.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Maria – Principal









Our Vision

To grow, to learn, to celebrate.

Together we grow, learn and celebrate as Chertsey Champs
Tō mātou whakakitenga: Kia tupu, kia ako, kia whakanui.

Our values are an integral part of our learning community and apply to our students, staff, parents and community.
Ka tū ēnei uara hei tuarā mō te kāhui ako, mō ngā akonga, ngā kaimahi, ngā mātua me te hapori. Me ū te tini ngerongero ki tēnā.
At Chertsey School, Co-operative and Connected means: I cooperate with others and do what is best for myself, those around me and our school. Whanaungatanga: Kia ngātahi te whakaaro, kia mahi tahi, kia tika ai te mahi mā te katoa.
At Chertsey School, have an open mind means: I am willing to think about things in different ways than I have before. Kōkiritanga: He māia te whakaaro.
At Chertsey School, Aim high and Achieve means: I challenge myself to always do my best by setting goals and I am proud of what I achieve. Eke Panuku: Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe me he maunga teitei.
At Chertsey School, Motivated means: I want to learn now and in the future. Whakahihikotanga: Ko taku manako ki te ako ngā mea onāianei me ngā mea e puta mai ā muri ake nei.
At Chertsey School, Persevere means: I keep trying, even when it is tough. Kia Manawanui: Ka tūmārō te aro ahakoa ngā piki me ngā heke.

School Bell & Meal Times

Click the button below to view our School Bell & School Meal Times
Our Sponsors

Thanks for supporting us

We have a number of sponsors who help to promote our school through our newsletter. We appreciate their support and ask that you support those businesses that support us.